Law Offices of Joseph H. Nivin, P.C.

May 9, 2019

On Behalf of The Law Offices of Joseph H. Nivin, P.C. 

No two child custody cases are the same as everyones relationships are different. An experienced family lawyer or child custody lawyer will advocate or defend for your child or children’ wishes. A good lawyer will listen and can help your whole family through this emotional process.

What does a child custody lawyer do?

  • A child custody lawyer will create and negotiate agreements between divorcing, divorced, separated or non married parents. He or she will help you decide on where the children will live and a visitation schedule.
  • A child custody lawyer works generally with children seven years of age or older who do not have significant disabilities. However in some cases a custody lawyer can work with younger children.
  • A child custody lawyer is independent of the Court and has the same relationship with your child or children as you do with them. They will communicate directly with your child to answer their questions and prepare a case in their best interest.
  • It’s important to have a good working relationship with your lawyer as it can effect the outcome of your case. Reply with the documents requested by the legal office and in a timely manner. The longer the case, the more money it will cost you. Being organized and a good communicator will help in the long run.
  • Your family lawyer will help you understand the differences between physical, legal, sole and shared custody.
  • Contested cases happen when parents disagree. Sometimes parents start out with a simple case that becomes complicated along the way. A family lawyer plays an important role to advocate for the children and provide guidance for parents.
  • The Court generally favors when both parents are involved in the child’s well-being and care.

For more information Contact Us