Law Offices of Joseph H. Nivin, P.C.

Jun 15, 2022

On Behalf of The Law Offices of Joseph H. Nivin, P.C. 

Even if you and your spouse agree to a divorce, the entire process is far from simple. Though it helps to start off on a good note, it is far more likely to finalize the divorce without stress, anxiety and tension.

There are several things that can derail your divorce proceedings. Knowing about this can help you prepare a plan for how to address them or how to avoid them altogether.

1. Alimony

Under state law, either party can request spousal maintenance during a divorce. This is a payment that one spouse will make to the other, either during the divorce or continuing after. The facts of the case will influence the court and decision concerning spousal maintenance, but it is generally awarded as a temporary, permanent or rehabilitative order.

2. Child support

The court determines the monthly child support sum, and because the payments continue until a child’s eighteenth birthday, this amount is financially important. The spouse who pays the order can experience significant financial hardships over the long term, while the receiving spouse may not believe the amount ordered is enough. This is an extremely contentious point during divorce cases.

3. Custody

Children seem to get caught between spouses, and when there is no compromise, custody battles get difficult. The court may determine which spouse receives primary custody, but in some cases, children are able to make the decision for themselves.

An uncontested divorce is the simplest option for legally parting ways, but this is not always possible. Sometimes, pursuing your interest in court is the only way to handle your divorce.